Editor’s Pick


The 3 W’s of Replit

Hello friends I am gonna write some basics about ‘Replit’ today. it is an IDE I use often to program Python or any other language. The reason why I like replit is because of its simplicity and usefulness. It supports almost all languages and frameworks. It also provides computation or it can sustain your code for a long time if you set it right. Now let’s check the title The 3 W’s of Replit. Let’s start with the first W – WHAT. The answers to the questions below might be short or long. So stay with me. What is Replit? As said earlier replit is an online browser-based IDE for programming. Although it is an online IDE, it can be used for computing as well. Now, let’s jump to the next question. Why Replit? Replit is a powerful IDE as I mentioned before. It supports almost all languages and their versions. It also gives computation if you are in their hacker plan and you can host your website, discord bot and more. Well, your imagination is the limit. It also provides us with a Linux instance in which you can run your code. You cannot access files other than files of the code you wrote in that repil. Btw, repil is a project or repo in replit. However, you do not have access to the root of the Linux instance. Let’s jump into the next question now, How… How to get started? It is a very nice platform for programmers. If you don’t have the computation power or the resources to run any code you just made, then Replit is for you. To get started, go to replit.com and sign up or create your account. They support Gmail, GitHub, Facebook and more. And there you have it, your account dashboard. You can get started by making a repil. You can click the ‘create repil’ option and select the language or the framework you want to work on. There are some default templates too, for you to boost start. After choosing your language or framework, you will be presented with an IDE with a terminal/shell and a console. From there on you can program as much as you want and run the code. There is also a huge community with thousands of members all over the world showcasing their programs and gains. This is it for now. But I will come back later with more things to talk about and tell you guys. Keep checking my personal blog and also the technical stuff like the steps to install BlueJ if you are a geek.

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An Introduction to Prismic

How to make a website? How to make a website easily? How to make a website for beginners? How to make a website for dummies. Those are the most searched questions in the Google search engine, so here I am with an easy way to make a website and the way is by using Prismic, a headerless website builder for jam stack that needs very less to no knowledge for programming. So let’s start by making an account in Prismic by first going to the official website and signing up at https://prismic.io/dashboard/signup Let’s Start with Prismic! After signing up, you need to start by creating a project or a repository where your website files will be stored. You have the option to create a new repository from your dashboard. Then we have to connect the project with our laptop which we need to work on, so let’s just jump right into it. This program can work in all 3 OSs (operating Systems – Mac, Linux and Windows) with a little tweaking in the commands used to run and install the Prismic software. At first, we need to make sure all the requirements are met in the system we need to make the website in, if not then install them all. Then we need to install all the requirements needed. After installing the software we can start the work. We must first connect our prismic account to our system. Then we have the option to connect our system with an already created project or create one there itself. I recommend creating there itself as it is much easier and shows many more options to make your website. After Creating one we can either use a website template or create a website from scratch.  After the options for the design template are selected, you can start by starting a program called Slice Machine and creating slices which are blocks in a website. You can also create the website using a web editor which is an easy-to-use dashboard provided by Prismic to create a website. Hosting?? After creating the website completely you need to host it in various free hosting services like services such as Vercel 8, Netlify 4, or Heroku 5. Honestly, if you ask me, my opinion is that it is not as easy as it sounds. I will not be using Prismic until I gain more knowledge of Prismic and its techniques.  Thank you for your time in reading this and I am waiting for your reviews down below…

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Parent & Child Themes

All about Parent Theme and Child Theme 

Today I will jotting about parent themes and child themes for WordPress themes. When developing a website on the CMS platform WordPress, you will come across various themes with a multitude of features and you will always be confused about which to choose and what are the things you need to consider. Most of the themes come with just one option. However, nowadays, we have seen that many new themes have a parent theme and a child theme. Have you ever wondered what the purpose of having a child theme and what are its benefits? What is a parent theme and a child theme?  The child theme is a theme that inherits the design and functionality of the parent theme. So then what is the purpose of having a child theme? Yes, you thought it right. You can tweak the code of the child theme. Sounds interesting! If you are a good coder and want to modify the basic design of the main theme a bit according to your preference, then you can do it easily with the child theme. The most interesting thing is that any theme updates will only affect the parent theme and not the child theme. Hence you can rest assured that your customisations will not be lost after a theme update. How to install a child theme? Once you purchase a theme to develop a WordPress website, you get to download the theme files. After you extract the theme files, look if the folder contains a parent theme and a child theme. Now, how to identify a child theme? Check for the zip files in the folder.  You will find the zip files of the theme. Along with that if you find another zip file with the name of the parent theme followed by the word ‘child’, then it is the child file of the theme. Suppose the name of the theme is legenda.zip, the child theme will have its name as legenda-child.zip. If you are sure you will not be making any customisations, then you can install the parent theme. But, if you will be making major customisations, then you need to work on the child theme. So first install the parent theme and then install the child theme. Next, activate the child theme. You are done! Please note that a child theme requires a parent theme to function properly, but not vice-versa. However, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind when customizing a child theme, which I will cover in another article.

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Content Management System

Know More About Content Management System

Designing and developing a website in the earlier times, was not as easy as it is today. You had to write every bit of code, without any syntax errors, debug it, check for the design issues, rectify them and then repeat the whole process till you got things perfect. But with the advent of CMS platforms or Content Management Systems, things have changed a lot and there is no looking back now. A person with zero coding skills can create stunning websites on these platforms. However, if you are a coder, you can go that extra mile by incorporating some of your coding skills and hacks. What is CMS or Content Management System? Content Management System, more popularly known as CMS, helps you build a website with ease from scratch, create pages, and modify and manage content without any technical know-how. There are a lot of features that it offers including storing images, storing and retrieving data, document handling and much more. Popular Content Management Systems There are a lot of content management platforms available. Here is the list of the most popular platforms. WordPress Shopify Wix Magento Joomla Drupal BigCommerce However, the most popular among them is WordPress which tops the list. It is the easiest content management system and nearly half of the websites on the internet are built on WordPress. The popularity of WordPress only seems to grow. Apart from these, there are a lot of not-so-popular platforms as well, like Ghost, TYPO3, Substack etc which we will cover in another blog. What kind of websites can you build with CMS?   There is no limit to the type of websites built on such platforms. With WordPress, you can build any website like a static website, blog, eCommerce site, auction site, coupon site, portfolio, Education website and much more. However, platforms like Magento and Joomla are good for making eCommerce websites. So are Shopify and Wix. Each has its pros and cons. We will go into detail later. Advantages of using a Content Management System Easy to set up and maintain SEO Friendly User Friendly Extensive functionality with add-ons and plugins (though some are paid plugins, you get readymade ones that fits your need) Design customisation options available Cost efficient

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